✨ Slovenská sporiteľňa (ERSTE Group) joined Crowdberry as a shareholder


Quality retirement facility for seniors, retirees and pensioners

Real EstateEquityFunded


Seniorhouse is a unique and modern residential facility with professional care for elderly people who are dependent on 24/7 care and for Alzheimer patients in Bratislava. 

  • The largest and the most advanced specialized private facility in Bratislava with affordable prices available for public
  • 21,000 m2 property area and newly-reconstructed buildings in the natural environment of easily accessible location of Dúbravka
  • SeniorHouse is led by an experienced management team that gained experience in similar facilities
  • Affordable prices after deduction of state subsidies and retirement pensions
  • Investment along with experienced investors with expected stable dividend yield that does not depend on situation on financial markets and geopolitical events
  • Crowdberry investors will become owners of the facility, property, and buildings and will receive priority status for family members seeking residency at the facility.

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Aim of the investment

The investment will be used for repayment of investment VAT and strengthening of profitability (optimization of the tax structure), financing the completion of house for employees and preparation for construction expansion.

Target amount
5 - 15% p.a.
Required return

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