✨ Slovenská sporiteľňa (ERSTE Group) joined Crowdberry as a shareholder

Share in the success of companies alongside well-known names from the world of business and finance


Share in the success of companies alongside well-known names from the world of business and finance

More than 9,400 investors are registered on Crowdberry’s investment platform, discovering local businesses and properties that they can co-own or lend capital to. In addition to returns, investors are often interested in where their money ends up and what happens to it. Take a closer look at how investing with Crowdberry works and also why we're teaming up with Slovenská sporiteľňa. Your investments with us are local, vetted, direct, more accessible and now trusted by Slovakia's largest commercial bank.

You invest capital directly

Investing in stocks and bonds usually means exporting capital abroad and putting it in companies where you don't know what's really happening with the capital, where it's going and how it's being used. Crowdberry, however, provides investors with direct opportunities to invest in specific companies with good growth potential that would otherwise be unavailable through traditional investment channels. This approach allows investors to feel more connected to the company they are investing in and more involved in its development.

Investing alongside the big funds

Investors often find opportunities here that even large investment fundsinvest in. They can thus join an investment round in which the company is trusted by ‘big players’ from the investment world.

If you could invest alongside Warren Buffett, would you find that interesting? There are tools available today to track the investment strategies of such great investors, including the use of bots and artificial intelligence.

Yet with Crowdberry you don't have to do any of that – you can still find opportunities in which investment funds or well-known entrepreneurs are also entering. It is no coincidence that you can be in the investment club not only with the family fund of Tomáš Bata, but also with the Martinus CEO Michal Mešek, CURADEN Slovakia co-founder Lucie Pašková or Hyperia Group CEO Michal Hradil, among many other figures.

Opportunities you won’t find anywhere else

A company seeking growth capital or debt financing must first go through Crowdberry Investment Committee approval. Following a successful vetting, an investment campaign will be launched. Multiple investors can then express their interest and invest capital up to the amount of the requested investment. Once the investment conditions have been met and the financial and legal due diligence completed, the capital is released from the special purpose vehicle to the company seeking capital, in exchange for a shareholding.

“It is important to stress that Crowdberry does not hold or accept capital in its accounts. The funds are collected in collection accounts at the bank and still belong to the individual investors. We have no authority to dispose of these funds other than as strictly stated in the investment terms and contracts. After the capital is released to the company, the investors will receive a share in the form of shares,” says Dano Gašpar, Crowdberry's managing partner.

In the case of investing through private debt (lending capital to companies), the individual tranches are released gradually into a clearing account according to the contractual documentation, and the company receives the loan only after all conditions have been met. We manage the entire process in Crowdberry and keep investors informed of each step in real time.

Already 35 local businesses and properties have been funded through Crowdberry, with over €7 million in profits paid out to investors
Active investment opportunities

We democratize investing

Financovanie robíme dostupnejším pre všetkých. Chápeme, že investovanie so sebou nesie určité riziká, a preto sme presvedčení, že investori by za to mali byť adekvátne odmenení. Naša platforma dáva aj menším investorom príležitosť podieľať sa na financovaní firiem, do ktorých bežne investujú profesionálni investori alebo veľké fondy. Takto umožňujeme aj jednotlivcom zapojiť sa do investičných príležitostí, ktoré boli predtým dostupné len za „zatvorenými dverami“ privátneho bankovníctva či medzinárodných inštitucionálnych investorov.

We are making finance more accessible to all. We understand that investing carries risks and we believe that investors should be adequately rewarded for doing so. Our platform also gives smaller investors the opportunity to participate in the financing of companies that are normally the preserve ofprofessional investors or large funds. In this way, we allow individuals to participate in investment opportunities that were previously only available behind the ‘closed doors’ of private banking or international institutional investors.

It doesn’t end with investing

Each investor receives detailed quarterly reporting that provides information on how their investments are performing, how the company is developing, or what problems they are currently solving. We provide an ultra-superior service that’s highly appreciated by our investors. Thanks to participatory investing, investors have the opportunity to be more engaged and connected with the companies in which they invest. This approach was also appreciated and approached by our important banking partner, Slovenská sporiteľňa.

Crowdberry has gained the trust of the largest commercial bank in Slovakia, which brings to investing through our platform an even more professional approach and a level of quality that investors are familiar with from the banking sector. Our cooperation with Slovenská sporiteľňa will allow us to digitalize and automate the investment process even further at Crowdberry. Investors will be able to set up property accounts directly with the bank and easily manage their investments through the bank's George app. This collaboration will also allow us to launch a secondary market where investors will be able to trade their shares or loans.