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We want to build a strong regional position – DNA ERA responds to questions from potential investors


We want to build a strong regional position – DNA ERA responds to questions from potential investors

Still wavering on whether to indicate your interest in the DNA ERA opportunity? We have information that could help with your decision. Read the DNA ERA and Crowdberry team's answers to actual questions from other investors. At the moment, our platform is less than 25% short of the target amount, so don't wait too long.

Learn in the article…

  • Why DNA ERA focuses on the CEE region.
  • What the company's marketing strategy is and why awareness about DNA is important.
  • Which partners would be of interest to DNA ERA in the event of an exit.
How many ‘features’ can you analyse now and how many will you be able identify in 5 years?

Jakub Šiška, DNA ERA (JŠ): By "feature", we mean individual results, e.g., vitamin D level is one "feature". We will be adding dozens of new features over the coming months. We can't keep adding new results indefinitely because research is ongoing. So new features will continue to be added for a long time.

Michaela Šišková, DNA ERA (MŠ): We can track 650,000 points within DNA. We are currently analysing several thousand of them, so in the next 5 years, we will still have plenty of new features to offer.

What is the capacity of tests and how quickly will my results come?

JŠ: There is no capacity problem in terms of the algorithm. From a lab perspective, the capacity is tens of thousands of tests per week, and we're not hitting that number yet. Results usually come in 3-4 weeks; we guarantee 5 weeks.

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Are you dependent on one lab?

MŠ: We have dealt with several laboratories in the past, and, if necessary, we can change the laboratory where the samples are processed quite quickly.

Is the lab accredited? Why does the lab delete data?

MŠ: Yes, the laboratory that processes the data is certified and accredited. We have negotiated terms and conditions under which they can delete data after a certain period of time. This was because we were getting a lot of questions about data security from our customers. The lab agreed to delete the data after a couple of weeks, so it would be in our sole possession.

What do you need in order to expand into Germany?

MŠ: We wanted to start with our region and then head east. Before the war, we also dealt with partnerships in Ukraine. Ukrainians will be dealing with other things in the coming years and the question of expansion there is on hold. We do not yet have an analysis of the competition in the West, so I cannot answer the question.

JŠ: We are also building on regional and linguistic proximity. Our strategy from the beginning was to go in this direction and build a strong position in the region.

What is your marketing strategy?

Dominik Illek, DNA ERA: There is competition, but 80% of our customers don't even consider someone else because they learn about DNA analysis from us first. We have taken on a huge challenge of raising awareness. This is often challenging in communication, but seems to be effective. The strategy is built on quality content to make people understand that we are local, transparent and care about data.

What companies can buy DNA ERA in the event of an exit?

Jakub Bachratý, Crowdberry: It could be professional investment funds, I can also imagine pharmaceutical companies that, thanks to the anonymized provision of data for scientific purposes, will be able to further research DNA or develop new drugs.

Have any more questions? Contact Investment Manager Jakub Bachratý, his contact details can be found in the information pack for the DNA ERA investment opportunity.